Have fun,
learn English!
Teach and learn English with motivating songs written expressly for English-language learning.
Every unit includes music videos, downloadable worksheets and flashcards, karaoke versions, dance movements and lyric sheets.
Every line of every song has a dance movement based on its meaning, a hugely important tool to support language learning.
For ages 3 to 12.

Our lyrics are designed expressly to teach English, with melodies that are simple to sing and simple to teach. But with huge musical variety and radio-ready sound, they´re never boring.
Recorded by a team of musicians with multiple Grammy nominations, these songs are easy to sing but catchy enough to remember. Their strong rhythms and infectious melodies are designed so that students will learn English and have fun. Who says learning English can´t be fun?
Music Videos
Kids love our songs! We know because we´ve kid-tested them in over 3,000 live concerts! We create super-fun, high-energy songs that kids can´t stop singing.
And our music isn´t just for little kids-it´s for children up to age 12.
Add in our animated karaoke videos and kids won´t want to stop singing and dancing.

We have over 300 pages of fun, colorful worksheets you can download to fully exploit the real-world language of our songs. They´re a powerful tool to bridge the gap from the sheer joy of singing and dancing to language acquisition. Written by renowned Oxford University Press author Nina Lauder and super teacher Nuria Sanchez.
Over 600 flashcards for kids to cut out and practice vocabulary. Great for games, spelling bees, memory exercises, drills, TPR activities, and more. Download some from our free sample units today and check them out.

Dance Movements
Meaningful movements are a super-charged learning tool, and in our songs, every single line has an action related to its meaning. So every time kids sing a song, they also tell its “story” with their movements.
With Dancing English, it may look like kids are “just” having fun singing and dancing, but they´re actually enacting the meaning of the songs with their bodies, involved in a multi-faceted learning process. And with foreign-language learners, the use of such movements is effective not just for younger children, but all the way up to upper primary.
Dancing English is the only method that uses meaning-based actions 100% of the time. Our songs are written expressly with action in mind.

Lyric Sheets
Our lyrics are based on real language for real life. We use language that applies to childrens ́ day-to-day world. With our lyrics sheets, kids can read along with the songs, as well as practice spelling, reading and pronunciation independently of the videos.
Karaoke Versions
Now you´re the star! Every song video has a karaoke section. Besides being fun for students, it allows for easy evaluation of student ́s ability to reproduce a song ́s language.

Let the fun begin!
We use fun songs and meaningful movement to make learning English fun. With our downloadable worksheets and flashcards, children will enjoy learning real language, structures, and pronunciation.
Every line of every song has a dance movement based on its meaning, a hugely important tool to support language learning.

Our Music is Different
·For kids up to 12 years old
·Easy to sing, easy to teach
·Huge variety of styles
·Simple, but catchy
·Space to breathe between phrases
·Children´s vocal range, not adults´

Music + Movement = Motivation
A well-written melody is one of the most powerful memory aids there is. That´s why we work so hard to put our lyrics to music kids love. And because children learn by doing, we create a meaningful movement for every line, so the lyrics will linger in children´s heads for a long, long time. With foreign-language learners, the use of such movements is effective not just for younger children, but all the way up to 12 years old.
Our laboratory: Thousands
of children's concerts
What better way to find out what music children like than performing for them? Our founder Daniel Griffin has played 3,000 educational children´s concerts, a fantastic real-world laboratory.
What he discovered was children want fun music they can move to, not easy-listening songs written for very young children.
So Daniel set about writing the songs that would eventually become Dancing English: fun, rocking songs with real-world lyrics that kids enjoy….and teachers can actually use.
Because children want engaging music, but teachers want lyrics that are specifically designed to teach English language skills.
100 songs
100 lyric videos
300+ pages of worksheets
250+ pages of flashcards
100 choreographies
Ages 3 to 12
Made in the U.S.A